Even though many of us may not be extremely happy with our government's choices right now, there are still a lot of things that our government does for us. The US Department of Agriculture has developed what is called MyPyramid over the past couple of years. If you remember your elementary school days, you will vaguely remember the food pyramid that got mentioned every once in a while. Well, the USDA has revamped that pyramid and personalized it a bit. Through their website, www.mypyramid.gov, you can use this great tool to help you eat nutritiously. A couple of the topics include: (just click on the link to take you directly there!)
Menu Planner
Nutrition Tracker: Keep Track of your Nutrition
MyPyramidPlan: Find out how much of each food you need each day!
MyPyramid for Kids!: A child-friendly version of MyPyramid
Check out these great resources and you will find great information that will help you eat nutritiously! Remember, it isn't always easy or cheap to eat nutritiously, but it is well worth it!
Eet Smaaklijk (Happy Eating) as we say in Dutch!
I posted this website as my facebook status a few weeks ago because I thought it was such a fun tool and so well-done. My friends all made fun of me for being a nerd but I still really like it. :)