Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Be The Catalyst

Bethecatalyst.org is a great resource for health information and also a great website to help you get involved in the fight for better health in our nation. It is a Minnesota advocacy group. It offers facts on nutrition and tobacco use. It also has a blog that has tons of health related news. You can use this website to connect to other resources! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. This is a neat website. I really liked the slide presentation called "Eat this, not that." It's really similar to a social marketing campaign I am trying to develop in one of my classes. It think it's great to give people ideas about how to make healthy choices. We can tell them all day to eat healthy but if we don't give them the resources and tools they need they will never be able to do it. Most people just don't know what is bad about certain foods so they need help like you can get from this website. Great find!
