Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yes! It is Safe to Eat Peanut Butter! (In Jars)

Many people have been worried if any peanut butter products are safe to eat after PCA knowingly shipped out contaminated products last year. Many people have decided not to eat peanut butter at all until this whole outbreak gets figured out by the FDA. But, we can't fall into that ignorant trap! It is not fair to other good companies like JIF and Skippy, who have done nothing wrong! The FDA has stated on their website and in the included video that national brand peanut butter bought at a retail store is safe to eat! So, for the sake of peanut butter and it's lovers, eat it! If you are worried about a product containing peanut butter, check out the FDA's website.

Check out this video from the FDA about the recalls:

BYU Features a Front Page Health Article

Last week, the Daily Universe featured a nutrition and food safety article. It was entitled "Don't eat that". It talked about the health hazards that could be lurking in our own kitchens and refrigerators. It's focus was on college students and their often unsanitary health habits. The article offered suggestions on ways to prepare food safely and a few other health tips. If you missed the article, or would like to refresh yourself on the health tips given, click here. Here are some of the main points the article establishes:

Don't think your immune system is invincible

Leaving food exposed at room temperature for more than 2 hours is dangerous

Keep your toothbrush away from the toilet (duh!)

Keep raw meats away from other foods

If you don't know if your food is fresh, throw it out! (When in doubt, throw it out!)

Check out this cool YouTube video about Food Safety!